After you have placed your order, it depends on the order status whether changing the content of your order is still possible.
Status on "Awaiting payment"
Haven't paid for your order yet? Go to 'Saved projects', locate the photo product you would like to edit, place the order again and complete with payment.
Please note: Unpaid orders will stay in the order status overview for 30 days. If you do not want to receive an unpaid order, you can ignore this in the order status, as it will disappear automatically after 30 days.
Status on "Ordered"
If you have paid for your order already, but your photo product has not been taken in production yet, please contact our customer service team as soon as possible. We might still be able to put the order on hold, but this is not guaranteed.
Status on "In production" or "Sent"
It is not possible to make any changes to the content of your order once it is being produced or shipped.