You can reset your password in My account.
1. Click on "Forgot your password?".
2. Fill in your email address and click on "Send".
We will send you an email with instructions on how to reset it.
Please note: If you are already logged in, please log out first to be able to see the "Forgot password?" button.
I have not received the email with instructions:
You should receive the email within 15 minutes. If you have not received it, please check and try each of the following steps:
1. If it is in your spam or junk email folder.
2. If it is in your list with blocked senders.
3. Gmail users: If it is in your "Promotions" folder.
Outlook users: If it is in your "Other" folder (when using a focused inbox).
4. Search "Photobox" within your inbox. All Photobox emails should display.
5. It might be that your email provider automatically blocks our emails. To ensure that you receive emails from us, please add <> to your trusted senders list.
Please note: If you no longer have access to the email address your photobox account was made under, you will need to create a new photobox account. Due to GDPR we cannot reset and change passwords on your behalf.
Still cannot find it?
Please reach out to our customer service team. We are happy to help!