You can quickly reorder products by checking the order status, clicking on the order and using the reorder button on the right.
Want to add gloss? This can be added during checkout.
Please note: this method will not allow any other changes to the product. It can also happen that for older orders, the reorder button is not available anymore.
Reorder with adjustments or is there no reorder button available?
If you want to edit your product before reordering or if there is no reorder button available, you can use the following methods.
Please note: due to privacy laws we are unable to make adjustments to your product for you.
Offline creator tool (Windows and Mac)
If you have made a photo book in the offline creator tool, you can open the software and find your saved project from your computer. You can then make adjustments if needed and place the order.
Online creator tool
Log in to find a list of the projects you have created using our online creator tool. To reorder, open the project, make the adjustments if needed and go through the ordering process.
App (smartphone and tablet)
If you created your product in our app, you can edit and reorder from there. To do so, open the app and check your saved projects. If the app had been previously uninstalled, unfortunately, any saved or ordered projects from the app will also be deleted.
Please note: We do not store ordered products indefinitely. Inactive accounts will be deleted, along with orders and saved projects, after 5 years. For further information, please review our Retention Policy.